Sunday 10 October 2021

Sunday 10th October 2021

Woke at 0800. Made tea, and a bowl of porridge. Aki called. Toshiko had been taken away by the morticians this afternoon, so Aki now alone again in the flat. She'd telephoned some relatives to inform them of Toshiko's death. She and Nobby were planning to go eat at the little tempura restaurant round the corner so that they can sus out whether they would be open on Wednesday for a group lunch after the crematorium. I remember we took Aki's mum there last time I was in Tokyo...she loved it...cleaned her plate!!! 

Walked to Waitrose to get missing ingredients for the flapjacks I planned making for the street party. Hernia pain all the way...only to get there and find it was closed! Morrisons not open till 1100 either! So abandoned my culinary plans for the morning. Did some music practice ahead of Tuesday night's rehearsal. Wandered up to the street party around 1330 and left my guitar at No.127 for later. Managed to get a burnt sausage, a blackened piece of chicken, and some side salad before we were called to assemble under one of the awnings for our brief Scottish and Irish fiddle tunes set.

I banged out the guitar chords in a vain attempt to keep the band together, and ended by singing The Star of the County Down, not that anyone could hear me! Claire and John, the resident violin pros, did some jigs and reels after us. Seemed to go down well. Passed on the news about Aki's mum to various neighbours who all expressed their condolences. Hung about chatting...Martin and Helen turned up from Fairbridge Road. Six was very entertaining as usual. Talked with Kathleen about the Tower Theatre's plans for Minnack next year. I mentioned the damp patch adjoining our shower room to her husband Andrew, who was keen to come and have a look. He got his arm stuck in the plasterboard. He wasn't really of much help, surmising the problem to be to do with the joint to the shower riser, which is my theory too. 

Cooked up a chicken green curry with rice for dinner, followed by some rice pudding. Kath rang to say Jim had been sleeping out in the camper van for a night or two, having left the marital home and driven round the back to park up at Morpeth railway station. He'll be a bit cold in there tonight! Kath going to get a train up to Morpeth tomorrow lunchtime, so she can drive him back down to her place, and then I'll guess he'll have to go to mum and dad's at some point...not fair on any of them, but the alternatives are somewhat narrow at the moment. Sounds like the final curtain for the misguided marriage! 

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