Thursday 30 September 2021

Thursday 30th September 2021

Rather fitful night's sleep for some reason. Got up around 0800. Grey day outside, and the temperatures have definitely taken a dip. Down to 19.5C in the living-room. Worked at the computer monitor most of the morning. Aki called. She's slowly working through piles of paperwork she retrieved from her mum's old flat in Inage yesterday. She showed me some fantastic old b&w family photos she'd re-discovered. Nowt much to do after lunch. Decided not to risk gadding about in the car today, nor indeed tomorrow, as the petrol situation still looks, well, stressed! Did my physio exercises. Jas emailed to say she'd like to sing Dream A Little Dream Of Me, so spent an hour or so scouring youtube for guitar lessons. She has persuaded her dad to strum the guitar for her, and he kindly gave me a bell to take me through the chords. I fancy playing bass on it, so must start rehearsing it up! Martin, the guitar player in Axminster Road, messaged to say he'd ring me tomorrow for more details. Rebecca rang asking if I'd be willing to drive her mum and dad to Euston on Saturday morning. Rebecca is in Anglesey, whence her folks are due to return on Saturday...but they have not been able to book themselves a taxi, due to the Brexiteers' petrol fiasco. I'm to drive them to the station in Rebecca's Landrover Discovery, as they are taking the dog with them! Did some more work on the bass part for Dream A Little Dream in the evening. Coming together nicely. Bath, and bed.

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