Thursday 17 November 2022

Thursday 17th November 2022

Woke around 0830. Aki brought me a mug of hot water with a slice of lemon in...listened to R4 for a bit. Eventually got up and made porridge, then set about work at the computer. Aki had an early lunch before heading off for rehearsal in Kensington. She's doing sound design for a short sketch written by one of her JCUK pals for their Christmas bash. I had lunch a little later...the remains of the cheese and mushroom quiche with some salad. Worked at the computer all afternoon. Broke to catch the News at 1800. Forecasts of a long and deep recession. Watched Jools' 30th birthday concert from the Apollo in Hammersmith. Aki returned around 1915 and cooked salmon steak with rice and miso soup for dinner. Watched episode 2 of "The English" before shower and bed...

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