Wednesday 16 November 2022

Wednesday 16th November 2022

Woke to alarm at 0730...Aki up to get ready for Rowing Club. By the time I rose, it was raining quite heavily, so Aki had to give up her quest. Porridged at the computer, working on some VP research. Broke to field a phone call from Jim Lister...he wanted a catch up...he and Kath are boarding a flight to Cayman Island next week, where their daughter Ro is getting married to a local bridge engineer (they met at Newcastle University). Sounds like Barney has risen a few rungs up the music industry ladder...he's recording with Joy Crookes, and was on her table at the recent Mercury Prize Awards ceremony. Pencilled in a visit to see Jim and Kath after Christmas, on our way back down from Newcastle. Made lunch...cheese and mushroom quiche, bought from Belle Epoche's new premises on Upper Street yesterday, with parma ham salad, followed by chocolate brownie and creme fraiche. Only managed to do another hour at the computer this afternoon...couldn't keep my eyes open, so went and had a lie down, and ended up sleeping for a couple of hours! Got up and made dinner...hand rolled pici, and a cheese and mushroom sauce with sliced guinea fowl and walnuts. Very tasty. Watched "Here Before" on the iPlayer...BBC Films co-production. Beautifully shot and edited, and it kept a steady but ominous grip on us...bath and bed.

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