Monday 7 November 2022

Monday 7th November 2022

Woke up at 0530 having a minor coughing fit. Got up to replenish my bedside water supply, but couldn't really get back to sleep properly thereafter. As a result I lay in until late morning. Read a bit of Dickens in bed. Eventually got up and made lunch for us both...fried sild with pine nuts and breadcrumbs, poached egg, and a nice salad. Did a bit of tidying up in the back bedroom ahead of Kath's imminent arrival later in the week. Looked at my Act I lines before dinner...Aki did stir fried pork fillet with rice and vegetables. Watched "Occupied", a video diary by a Ukrainian journalist in Kherson, documenting the Russian occupation, and his family's eventual escape into Free Ukraine. I went through my Act II lines before jumping in the shower, and heading for bed...

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