Friday 4 November 2022

Thursday 3rd November 2022

Fitful night's sleep...woke three times with chronically dried mouth, and had to gulp down some water...slow getting back to sleep each time. Got up around 1000. Porridged. Drove Aki to Essex Road to buy fish from the fishmonger...traffic pretty awful...some roads closed after last night's flooding. Popped in to Waitrose on the way back. Bought a Peace Lily to put in the bedroom, in the hope that it will keep the black mould at bay. Back home, Aki cooked mackerel in a miso paste, which we had for lunch with rice and vegetables. I did a bit more cleaning in the bedroom, which meant moving furniture about. Did some voice work before setting off early for the theatre...Arsenal at home this evening, and traffic was already building up. Got to the theatre early...had my dinner, Aki's homemade chick pea and pumpkin soup, alone in the dressing room. Voice felt in reasonably good shape this evening. First Act was my best so far...small but appreciative house, who were getting all the English language and English Literature gags. My second Act OK, but not quite as good as last night's...but the audience seemed to love it. Drove home for a shower and bed...

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