Monday 14 November 2022

Monday 14th November 2022

Woke around 0900, thinking it was 0730! Had to haul myself out of bed, as I needed to complete some inspections today. Porridged, then warmed up some of Aki's dill soup to take with me for lunch. Had time to make some coconut rice pudding, which I left to cool as I headed out the front door. Inspections were all in central Wembley...needed to get into seven of the units...knocked at all the doors of tenants who had been written to, forewarned of my coming. Managed to get into half-a-dozen, but it was slow going. Had a late lunch sat in the car, then headed for home. Traffic on the North Circular terrible, so I took a short detour to IKEA in the hope that things would clear by the time I came out...spent an hour in there, buying six tumblers, and a peace lily! Traffic still dreadful when I hit the road again. Two lanes out of action about 2 miles further east, which had caused the backlog. Wanted to get petrol, so determined to drive to Manor House before driving home, but traffic in Stroud Green was a t a standstill...gave up and turned for home, picking up petrol at the slightly more expensive petrol station on Hornsey Road. Worked at the computer while Aki prepared a mushroom and squash risotto for dinner...followed by cheese and biscuits. Watched the first episode of "The English"...cracking script, and a great cast...both Toby Jones and Kieran Hinds were despatched before the first episode was over! Beautifully shot. Caught up with "Better Things" and "Seinfeld" before shower and bed...

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