Tuesday 22 November 2022

Tuesday 22nd November 2022

Poor night's sleep...the flowers that Kath had bought Aki last weekend had opened, and I'm allergic to some of them, which sent my sinuses into overdrive. My face felt almost bruised by the sneezing, so failed to rise to go out on inspections as planned. Aki brought me a mug of hot water with a slice of lemon in it. Got up and porridged before starting work at the computer. Aki cycled off to the Business Design Centre at Angel to hook up with Helen and Martin for a lighting exhibition. Kept an eye on the Argentina v Saudi Arabia scoreline...was astonished to see the Saudis had a 2-1 lead with 15 minutes to go, so turned on the telly to see the Argentine's go down to an ignominious defeat! Got back to work afterward, breaking to warm up Aki's homemade soup for my lunch. Watched the dying embers of Denmark v Tunisia. Work was delayed, as I noticed some water emanating from the cupboard under the kitchen sink, so had to empty the cupboard and mop up...there's a slow leak beneath the sink, but no way of closing any gaps, so just hope it doesn't get any worse! Aki warmed up the aubergine and egg curry she'd made a couple of days ago, which we ate with rice and dahl. Watched France demolish the Aussies 4-1, then gave "Tokyo Vice" a go, based on the memoirs of an American journalist who investigated the yakuza. Shower and bed...

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