Wednesday 2 November 2022

Tuesday 1st November 2022

Aki up early to do some work on the Canvey island shopping centre refurbishment job. I languished in bed until 1000. Raining outside. Got up and had some porridge. Aki working at the computer, so I cooked dinner for lunch...pork shoulder with roast potatoes and vegetables. Going to have to leave for the theatre earlier than usual to try and avoid the problems I had last night. Did a bit of voice work before jumping in the car...traffic not too bad, though I went out of my way to avoid the roadworks on Lordship Park. Got to Stoke Newington around 1800 and had a chicken shish wrap in a little Turkish restaurant on the High Street. Got to the theatre and set up for the dress run. Still completely under rehearsed on the finale, but that's the way it goes...quick changes worked out, just, but my paranormal investigator's skirt fell down during the finale dance routine (see photo), eliciting the biggest laugh of the evening...ought to keep it in!

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