Thursday 10 November 2022

Thursday 10th November 2022

Woke around 0730, but dozed back off for a bit. Aki got up and did some cleaning and vacuuming ahead of Kath's arrival. I eventually got up and had chocolate porridge for breakfast, then did a couple of hours at the computer. Aki cycled off to the hairdresser. We were planning to pick Kath up in the car, but Aki reckoned the tube strike meant there was more traffic on the roads, and I need to get back here in time for a 1505 GP appointment, so Aki said she'd meet her at the station and guide Kath onto a bus, before cycling back home...but then Kath messaged to say the train would be half-an-hour late, so Aki came home for lunch instead. Gave Kath instructions on which bus to get outside Kings Cross station. Kath turned up just as I was departing for the GP...left her in Aki's capables. GP not much help...showed her the proliferating warts on my forehead, but she reckoned there wasn't much that could be done...I conceded that, when removed, they simply grow back. She prescribed some cream for sun damaged skin on the top of my pate. Back home I managed a brief vocal warm up. Kath nipped out to her favourite fabric shop...but couldn't find it...maybe it as closed down. Drove to Stoke Newington...traffic very heavy, but eventually cleared around Manor House. An audience of about 25...they were responsive, and enjoyed themselves. My voice not in good shape...bit worrying, with another matinee looming on Saturday. Got home around 2245...Kath and Aki still up drinking tea. Watched a bit of telly before shower and bed...

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