Saturday 12 November 2022

Friday 11th November 2022

Woke at 0700...needed the loo...went back to bed for another hour and a half. Listened to the news, then to Richard E. Grant's Desert Island all got very emotional when he recalled his wife's battle with cancer, and played Eva Cassidy's cover of Fields of Gold. I'd forgotten he'd directed "Wah-Wah", but didn't realise it was autobiographical...sounds like he had an extraordinary relationship with his mum and dad...I'll have to dig out a rental copy. Got up and made porridge...Kath enjoyed her chocolate flavoured version. She popped out to the textile shop. I made lunch...crumpets with avocado and smoked salmon. Aki took Kath out for an afternoon drive up to Waterlow Park for an amble and a coffee, while I stayed home I tried to get my voice warmed up. They got back around 1530. I penned a quick poem...apparently it's traditional that the cast of the next production are greeted by a poem pinned to the dressing room wall. At 1630 I drove them in to Stoke Newington, and walked with them up Church Street...did some window shopping. Left them outside Rasa, where they'd booked a table for dinner...I went to the fish and chip shop. Ate my chicken and mushroom pie and chips in the theatre bar. About 50 in tonight, including Kath, Aki, Katrina, Marianne, and several members of the Sussex Way Book Club. Everyone seemed to have enjoyed it...Friday night audiences are always up for it. Drove us all home, dropping Marianne off outside her flat in Kentish Town. Knackered!!!

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