Friday 4 November 2022

Friday 4th November 2022

Woke around 0830 and dozed for a bit. Got up around 1000 and had some porridge before settling in front of the computer to do some work...needed to complete some VP research, and submit my timesheets and expenses claims. Broke for lunch...Aki warmed up the chicken chasseur we'd defrosted overnight, and served it with rice and vegetables. Finished work early afternoon, and did some voice warm ups before heading in to Stoke Newington. Got in to the theatre early, and sat and had my soup in the bar area. 40 odd in tonight, which was a pleasant surprise...loads of laughs, they were in uproar at some points, especially on our entrance in our paranormal investigator outfits. It was a great night, and they were vociferous in their appreciation at the curtain call. Got home around 1045 and steamed my vocal chords before shower and bed...

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