Saturday 19 November 2022

Saturday 19th November 2022

Woke around 0830 and got up to make tea. Aki cooked brunch, then we walked up to the Farmer's Market at Yerbury school to by a loaf of sourdough...then walked on up Highgate Hill to Waterlow Park before doubling back down the hill and stopping off at Archies for coffee. Aki bought vegetables at the little market in Navigator Square, and a little peace lily on Holloway Road which she wants to put in the bathroom. We parted company at the junction with Windsor Road...Aki continued on to Waitrose, while I took the shopping we'd done back home and picked up the car keys. Drove round to Waitrose and tracked Aki down in the dairy aisle. Back home, we heard a knock at the was Katherine from No.127...we invited her in for a cuppa and a catch up. She'd missed my appearance at the Tower Theatre as she'd been struggling with a bout of shingles. She wanted to express an interest in putting some Xmas songs together for Brett's Xmas party in a couple of weeks...I said I'd put a list of sing-a-long songs together. Aki cooked aubergine and egg curry, with dahl and rice. Followed by chocolate brownie and creme fraiche. Watched the first two episodes of "Mammals" on Prime...corking script by Jez Butterworth, and a fine central performance from James Corden. Shower and bed...

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