Thursday 3 November 2022

Wednesday 2nd November 2022

Alarm at 0730...Aki leapt in to action, readying herself for Rowing Club. I dozed in bed for another hour or so. Got up around 1000 and porridged. Did some work reviewing lines, and the dance routine, so far as it goes! Cooked lunch...Aki ate at the cafe next door to the Rowing Club. Finished creating my first nite cards...all individually hand crafted to mimic (badly) an olde Penguin Books title cover, with suitable book titles and their character names as authors. Particularly proud of "Wardrobe & Peace" for one of the wardrobe assistants! Did some voice work and practised the dance routine. Headed off early for the theatre, just in case the roads were snarled up. Tail back on Seven Sisters Road to the junction at Manor House. Got to the theatre and parked up, then went shopping for water supplies. The set was finally finished....looks good. Twenty in for the first night, including Tammi's daughter Zoe, who was due to write a review for an on-line outfit. Julia had had a sleepless night, and looked a bit rough...the nerves were beginning to show, and the rest of the cast caught the bug, albeit to a lesser extent. I almost dried on my Act I anti-internet speech...managed to get some garbled lines out, but whether they made much sense is a moot point. Act II felt better as we eased into it, and the mess of a dance finale got a round of applause!!! I missed a cue late on, which had Sean having to improvise momentarily before I hurtled on stage. All in all, it wasn't too bad...could do better, though. Show came down around about 2200...had a chat with Stephanie's fella, whose brother Carl is a playwright. Said my farewells, only to find myself sheltering from an almighty downpour in the theatre doorway for about 20 minutes. The roads and pavements had turned into rivers. Particularly bad on the A10 where it meets Northwold Road...inches deep. Got home about 2300. Aki still up...had a shower then fell in to bed...

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