Sunday 13 November 2022

Sunday 13th November 2022

Aki up with the lark to ready herself for Rowing Club...I dozed back off to sleep. Woke around 1000, feeling like I'd been hit by a bus. Got up and made porridge, which I ate in bed, washed down with a pint or so of tea! Watched MOTD on my laptop in bed...great result for Brentford at the Etihad...means The Gooners are 5 points clear at the top going in to the international break. Good away win for Reading yesterday, too. Got up and walked to Waitrose to buy something to cook for dinner. Aki had lunch at the cafe next door to the Rowing Club. I skipped lunch, having got up so late. Ma rang to see how the final performances had gone...she's awaiting the arrival of Kath to fill her in on her meet with Roz yesterday. I cooked dinner...roast guinea fowl, roast potatoes, onion, pureed carrot, steamed cabbage and broccoli, and a bread sauce...very tasty! Watched Richard E. Grant's autobiographical movie, "Wah-Wah"...set in Swaziland, where his father worked for the British High Commission. The script was a bit wooden, to be honest. Had a shower before MOTD, then fell into bed exhausted...

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