Friday 18 November 2022

Friday 18th November 2022

Woke around 0830. Aki had had a fitful night's sleep...she'd cut her little finger slicing potatoes yesterday afternoon, and had put a plaster on it, but she suffered waves of throbbing pain during the night. It had calmed down a bit come morning, but she organised a visit to the nurse at the Medical Centre round the corner. Got up and porridged. Worked at the computer for the morning, breaking to make lunch...warmed up Aki's leek and potato soup, which may or may not have had a bit of her little finger in it! Back at the coal face for the afternoon. Aki popped out to see the nurse, but wasn't very impressed with her meeting. They have, however, recommended she get a tetanus jab, which will hopefully happen next week. Warmed up the guinea fowl and mushroom pasta sauce for dinner, with spaghetti. Caught a bus to Finsbury Park, and got the tube to Tottenham Court Road. Had tickets to see the New Vic (Stoke) production of "Marvellous", which was opening the new theatre in the round space at Soho Place, part of the redevelopment around the crossrail expansion of Tottenham Court Road station. The building is a disappointment...tackily designed, and the auditorium is lacking in atmosphere. The actors voices tended to drift up towards the high ceiling, and they had to work hard to be heard. The show details the life and times of Stoke legend Neil "Nello" Baldwin...Toby Jones won a BAFTA portraying hi in the TV film version 8 years ago. We found ourselves sat directly behind the great man himself, now 76 and being wheeled about in a wheelchair. It's a great, life-affirming stuff, and the audience thoroughly enjoyed themselves. Had arranged to meet Adam Norton there, an ex actor I'd worked with at the Vic in Stoke many years ago. We eventually crossed paths with him and his wife Hilary at the interval, and did some more catching up in the bar afterward. Caught the No.29 bus back home, and fell into bed around midnight!

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