Thursday 24 November 2022

Thursday 24th November 2022

Woke around 0730, so got up and made tea. Porridged, and put together a ham salad packed lunch. Did an hour's work at the computer before heading off...drove to Earls Court, then back up to Kensal Green, Acton Circus, and then across Vauxhall Bridge to Brixton. Traffic along Brixton High Street was terrible. Sat in the car and had my lunch on Millbrook Road, listening to football commentary on R5Live! Drove on to Croydon, and then to Purley. Traffic on the A23 was dreadful, so I risked not getting round everything before dusk. Around 1600 heavy rain clouds brought an early twilight, and heavy rain...I had to give up completing my inspections, and turned for home. The A23 through Brixton was very slow...added half-an-hour to my homeward journey. Got in at 1815, and did another half hour or so at the computer. Aki cooked a carbonara. Walked up to No.127 for the Book Club meeting. Ben and Gayu came out of their front door at No.38 just as we were passing, and we discovered a chap half-sprawled on the bonnet of their car...repeated attempts to ask after his welfare failed to elicit a response...a passerby informed us he was a smack addict. We contemplated calling an ambulance, but as he hadn't passed out, we decided to walk on and leave him to it...he was obviously off his face. Only two of the Book Club members had found time to finish reading "David Copperfield", though one had cheated by dipping in to Martin Jarvis' unabridged audio recording. An obscure thriller was chosen as the next read, "A Burning" by Megha Majumdar. 

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