Sunday 20 November 2022

Sunday 20th November 2022

Woke late...still feeling very weary. Lay in bed for a bit, before getting up to make breakfast...had the English muffins we'd bought yesterday, toasted with ham, cheese, avocado mash, and poached eggs. Read a bit more David Copperfield before nodding off on the sofa for a few minutes! had leek and potato soup for lunch. FaceTimed Tony, who happened to be Normandy. Ricky was in the passenger seat, navigating. They'd decided, on a whim, to take the car to Dover, and cross on the ferry, then tour round some of the Great War memorial sites in the Somme valley! Arranged a pre-Christmas dinner date at ours for 21st December. Ricky not available though, as he's joining family in a cottage, in Peebles, for the Festive season! Rang mum, who had been busying herself making the Christmas pud, and Kath FaceTimed us while were on the phone to mum. It looks as though Christmas dinner is going to be full on, with eight portions of everything to conjure up in the kitchen! I made tagliatelle for dinner, and then warmed up the guinea fowl and mushroom sauce, with greens on the side. Followed by coconut rice pudding with blackberry spoom and berry compote. Watched episode 3 of "The English", the plot of which is getting quite convoluted. Then watched the "Imagine..." documentary on Douglas Stuart, who wrote the extraordinary "Shuggie Bain"...intrigued to hear he's just finishing a TV teleplay version. 

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