Friday 25 November 2022

Friday 25th November 2022

Woke up at 0730, and made tea. Porridge for breakfast. Threw together a packed lunch. Did an hour's work at the computer, then watched the first half of the Wales v Iran game...very emotional scenes during the anthems. Aki cycled off to the fishmonger's on Essex Road. I jumped in the car, and headed for New Cross, then on to Thornton Heath. Listened to Wales go down 2-0...looks like the end of their World Cup dream, unless they can hammer England 4-0 next week! Had my lunch sat in the car on Canterbury Road. Drove round the corner to IKEA to use the facilities, and buy some odds and ends in the food section. Drove home, getting in around 1615. Did an hour at the computer, then cooked pie. Aki got home around 1800. Had dinner then watched a very dull England v USA draw. Watched another episode of "The English"'s all getting a bit melodramatic, but is gorgeous to look at...the cinematography is sumptuous. Shower and bed...

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