Saturday 26 November 2022

Saturday 26th November 2022

Aki up fairly promptly this morning, as she was due to meet Tokiko at her flat rental in Brixton, as she wants Aki to work on some refurbishment plans for kitchen and bathroom. I was still dozing when she left. Got up and stuck the football on the telly, and at a bowl of yoghurt and fruit for breakfast. Australia just managed to shade it against the Tunisians, and claim their first ever win at a World Cup Finals. I nipped out to do a bit of shopping before lunch (Aki was going to lunch in Brixton with Tok). Wanted a simple apple corer, so went to Selby's on Holloway Road, but no joy. Ended up buying a sweatshirt instead in the Black Friday sale. Popped in to Waitrose to get carrots, and a loaf of bread, then walked to Girasole for a coffee and a nutella muffin. Six texted me asking if I had an electric guitar...his 10 year old daughter, Ottie, has been learning on acoustic guitar this last year or two, and has been recommended by her teacher to try an electric prior to appearing at her Primary School Talent Show. I got home and cooked up a soffrito, and made a haggis and lentil ragu. Aki got home before the neighbours from No.29 turned up. Six and Ottie turned up first, followed by mum Julia, bearing a bottle of prosecco. Ottie took to my electric guitar very readily...she knows more then the usual chords...she got a Bm in without effort...she's good, but doesn't yet have a strong sense of'll come; she has developed strong foundations. I took her through the Xmas songs I'm doing at Brett's Xmas party next Saturday, and she picked them up pretty well, and we managed to persuade her to accompany me on the night in the sing-a-long. We arranged another rehearsal for tomorrow. The haggis and lentil ragu was OK, but not as flavoursome as I'd anticipated. Coconut rice pudding to follow. Watched Argentina beat Mexico, and some programming celebrating what would have been Jimi Hendrix's 80th birthday...great footage from various concerts...what a player he was!!! Must show Ottie...!!!

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