Sunday 6 November 2022

Sunday 6th November 2022

Fitful night's sleep...not sure why...buzzing a bit after the show, but thought I was exhausted enough to sleep through...strange. Woke around 0800 to sound of rain thundering on the bedroom roof. Dozed until 1000 when Aki brought me a mug of tea. Kath FaceTimed us from High View...I didn't have enough voice left after yesterday to interact much, so Aki did most of the talking for us. Kath told us that Dad had been out and about with his camera and had gotten stuck with one leg over a picket fence, camera in hand, when he was approached by some woman enquiring as to his exploits...he had to engage in polite conversation, legs akimbo, until she went on her way! Got up and cooked brunch. Started, rather belatedly, reading David Copperfield, our Book Club choice...what a delight it is!!! Dicken's sentence construction, his way with a phrase, had my lips stuck in a beaming's laugh out loud funny. What a revelation! Ate parmigiana lasagne for dinner, followed by cheese and biscuits. Watched "I Used to be Famous", a low budget Brit-flick which pushed all the manipulative feelgood buttons, but was affecting anyhow. Bit of MOTD before shower and bed...

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