Sunday 13 November 2022

Saturday 12th November 2022

Not a great night's sleep. Aki brought me a mug of hot water with lemon, which I drank in bed listening to R4. Kath in the shower when I got up. Aki made fruit salad for breakfast. Kath phoned mum and updated her on last night's shenanigans. Aki and Kath left at 1045 to go meet Roz for lunch in Kings Cross. I stayed home and steamed my vocal cords, then did some warm up exercises, before lunching on smoked salmon and scrambled egg on toast. Drove to Stoke Newington for the matinee. Astonished to get our biggest audience, of 70...thought it would be a bit quiet. They were very noisily appreciative, one fella shouting "Bravo" at the curtain call. Geoff, one of my old (retired) Savills bosses had come up from Dorking to see it...his missus couldn't accompany him, on this occassion, having had to go in to work at the vineyard at short notice. 

Popped out to buy a wrap for dinner, which I ate with a couple of cast members in the bar before going back up to the theatre to try and get the voice going for one last hurrah. Only 30 in this evening, but they were very responsive, so it felt like we went out with a bang rather than a whimper. Celebrated at the bar with a pint of Guinness, having avoided alcohol completely for two and a half months. Helped out with the get out, volunteering for light carrying duties. We all retired to the bar at 0100 and had a laugh about various incidents and mishaps during the run. I was first to leave, getting home around 0200, and crawling into bed in the dark...

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