Sunday 27 November 2022

Sunday 27th November 2022

Up early to watch the Japanese take on Costa Rica. Breakfasted on fruit and yoghurt. The game was disappointing...Japan going down 1-0 in the end...they were the better team, but didn't have the cutting edge up front. Aki popped out to Waitrose before lunch. I cooked a brunch for lunch, utilising the rosti I'd bought in IKEA on Friday...tasty, with and egg and some bacon. Julia brought Ottie round after lunch for a rehearsal...we worked her Miley Cyrus cover for a bit, then went through the Xmas repertoire. Tried in vain to get her to sing the Miley Cyrus song, but she joined in heartily on the Xmas numbers. She's good. Baked apples stuffed with dates, which in turn I stuffed with butter and brown sugar...then baked in a bath of Earl Grey tea...served it up to our guests as a test prior to cooking dinner for Katrina and was a bit disappointing...may have to find an alternative. Watched Canada v Croatia, having missed Morocco's 2-0 win over Belgium, the latter ranked FIFA's world No.2! Canada were soundly beaten, and are going home. Rebecca at No.5 rang to say she ad cooked some mince pies, and duly brought us round a couple. Aki cooked chicken with butter beans and onions for dinner, with roasted celeriac and vegetables. We ate the mince pies with some yoghurt for afters. Spoke to ma and pa on the blower...they were watching a documentary about Haiti, which turned out to be very reminded us of one of our early Book Club reads, "The Black Jacobins" by the prolific C.L.R.James. Didn't know the French had forced the Haitians to pay reparations for the loss of the slave trade! Unbelievable, really!!! They should be forced to pay it all back...!!!

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