Thursday 10 November 2022

Wednesday 9th November 2022

Alarm at 0730...Aki up early to ready herself for Rowing Club...she brought me a mug of hot water and lemon before she cycled off. Got up and porridged. Sat at the computer until lunch time, working. Broke for lunch just as Aki got back...she had eaten at the cafe next the Club House. Did a bit more tidying afore Kath's visit...took some stuff to the tip. Tried fixing the dripping kitchen tap by taking out the filter tap head and cleaning it, but it made no difference. Set off reasonably early for the theatre this evening, as the Arsenal are playing at home tonight. Bought a takeaway lamb shish wrap, and ate half of it in the theatre bar. About 35 in tonight...they were very responsive...much better than last night's bunch. Voice not in great shape, for some reason...had sounded fine before the show. Getting increasingly tired, and my hernia repair doesn't like the quick changes nor the marching routine at the end...hope it all holds out until Saturday nite! Aki out watching Simon Russell Beale at The Bridge Theatre in the company of Jane and Carlos, and a couple of their chums...we both got home at roughly the same time...sounds like a superb cast, with Nick Hytner directing. Shower and bed...

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