Wednesday 16 November 2022

Tuesday 15th November 2022

Had a bit of a lie-in before getting up to make porridge. Did some work at the computer in the morning. Broke for lunch. Aki cooked poached eggs and fried halloumi for lunch with some salad. Took a constitutional, walking down Upper Street...Aki had spied some chamois mittens she wanted me to buy her for Christmas, so we popped in at Toast to get them. Nipped in to the gift shop a few doors down, and almost bumped into Paul Whitehouse...he was on the phone, probably catching up with his agent. Walked back home, parting ways on Arthur Road, Aki heading off to pick up some odds and ends at Morrisons. Warmed up the chicken tray bake we'd made a fe3w days ago, for dinner. I drove off to Stoke Newington for my Santa Claus costume fitting. Martin, who's also playing the role, turned up for his fitting, and dragged me to the Axe for a quick beer afterward. Got home at 2215. News of a missile landing across the Polish border had everyone getting WW3 about to kick off!? Bath and bed...

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