Saturday 5 November 2022

Saturday 5th November 2022

Woke around 0800 after a bit of a fitful night's sleep...worrying about the fact that I've got to get my voice through two shows today. Aki cooked up a big breakfast, then nipped out to Yerbury Farmer's Market to buy bread while I started to try and get my voice warmed up. Made avocado and ham sandwiches with the fresh bread for lunch. Drove to the theatre early, though traffic was reasonably light, given that there's a reduced train service due to the late cancellation of RMT strike action. Got through the matinee in one piece, though I had to keep my energy levels lower than usual in a bid to refrain from over using my voice. About 25 odd in the house...more than I'd been expecting! Franco had come from Earlsfield to see it...Tammi too unwell to accompany him. Aki came in to meet him at the theatre as the audience came out, and we walked him round to the bus stop. Aki and I ate at the little Thai cafe opposite the theatre...the food was a bit disappointing, though. I went back to the theatre to try and warm the voice up for the evening show, leaving Aki in the cafe to have dessert. About 35 in for the evening show, including Aki, and Kevin and Laurence from No.93. Much of Act I was disturbed by the fireworks going off on the common...the space could really do with sound-proofing somehow. Voice tired by the interval, but just about managed to hold out until the end. Audience had a great time, though, so job done. Had a quick beer with Kevin and Laurence in the bar afterward...they'd thoroughly enjoyed it. Gave them a lift home. Got to bed around 0100...

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