Thursday 1 December 2022

Thursday 1st December 2022

Woke around 0830. Aki suffering a bit of stomach ache, so she got up and sought out some medication...unfortunately it was past it's use by date. She rang the GP, who recommended buscopan, or paracetamol, So I ventured out after porridge, and got some fresh supplies from Superdrug on Seven Sisters Road. By lunch time, she was still in discomfort. I cooked a light lunch, and she took some more buscopan and had a lie down. I made a move to turn on the central heating, as it's getting a bit colder every day. Down to 15C in the flat. But on opening the boiler cupboard, I found a couple dozen droppings...they were too big for a mouse, so I suspect a squirrel...rats we don't want to think about! I put a mask on and vacuumed the cupboarding out, then read on an internet site that you shouldn't do that, as it can send pathogens into the air! Maybe that's the cause of Aki's stomach cramps! Switched the heating on for a bit to take the edge off the cold. Watched Belgium go out of the World Cup after drawing with Croatia. Baked salmon for dinner, with rice and vegetables, and some sauce leftover from the fish pie...went down well. Watched the first half of the Japan v Spain game...Japan were 1-0 down at half-time, and looking short of ideas, but burst into devastating life at the start of the second half, scoring twice in quick succession, and holding on for a win that takes them through to the last sixteen. Germany went out, despite beating Costa Rica 4-2. I listened to the second half of the japan game in the car on the way in to the Tower Theatre. Got there for the interval, and went backstage to sort out my Santa costume. The wig made me look vaguely like Billy Connolly! Once I'd got the whole costume on, I had to very tentatively walk down the fire escape steps bearing my heavy cape, the through the bar, and up the stairs to the theatre door. The hood and wig made vision poor, and I could barely hear the action on stage through the theatre door, what with the sound of traffic on Northwold Road...but I made my entrance with perfect timing, and even got a laugh, though I've no idea what for. Managed a quick word with Janet, who'd written the piece...she complemented me on my ho-ho-ing. I departed and drove home to see how Aki was doing. She was still basking in the glow of Japan's victory, and had been texting friends and family! They've got to get past a tough Croatian team next...

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