Wednesday 28 December 2022

Wednesday 28th December 2022

Woke after worst night's sleep on the mattress so far, feeling very weary, and with great discomfort in the lower back. Followed Aki downstairs for breakfast, but didn't feel good for most of the day. Kath turned up for lunch, having spent the night over in Sunderland. Stuart not coming over to see us today, though, as he's still recovering from his festive Grandad duties. Graeme got in touch, and I initially suggested a possible meet this afternoon, but the weather was foul, and I was still not feeling perky enough to make the effort, or indeed, any effort! However, I managed to get myself into gear mid afternoon and did a couple of hours CPD...enrolled on a 15 hour course investigating the Fundamentals of the Party Wall Act 1996...I could barely keep me eyes open as I lurched from one legal statement to the next! Went downstairs to put dinner together...finished up the turkey and ham pasta bake, and dad followed up with Xmas pud and ice cream. Played The Book Game in the living-room, which threw up a couple of very funny moments, as per usual. Glad we made the effort!

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