Monday 19 December 2022

Sunday 18th December 2022

Didn't hear Aki get up this morning...I slept through until 0930. She was contemplating heading for a row, but the threat of rain put her off. She cooked cheese omelette for breakfast. She departed for the Rowing Club shortly thereafter, as the girls are meeting for Sunday roast at the Club. I did an hour's work, then put lunch together, in between practising tonight's repertoire on guitar and ukulele. Packed the car with guitars, leads, stands etc...drove to Stoke Newington, listening to the first half of the World Cup Final on R5Live! Argies 2-0 at half-time. Parked the car outside the theatre and unloaded, then moved the motor to somewhere I could legally park. Set up my equipment as best I could, and we hung around waiting for everyone to turn up so we could sound check. Got myself a burger from KFC round the corner...burger was OK, but the chips were decidedly lukewarm....won't be going there again! Colin didn't show until 30 minutes before doors opened to the public, so sound check was painfully minimal...didn't get time to sound check my electric guitar, so decided not to use it after all. Aki turned up 15 minutes before the doors were opened, and we nabbed a couple of seats in the audience. She informed me that the game had gone to Extra Time and the Argies had won it on penalties!!! Mixed bag of entertainment...I was in the band for a couple of numbers in the first half, so was able to sit and watch most of it with Aki. The highlight was one of the Tower's longer serving members getting up and doing a Joyce Grenfell sketch...brilliant! I had more band duties in the second half...kept the comedy going by donning a different hat for each number, therefore effortlessly upstaging the singers! It culminated in my Christmas Tree hat for Matthew's rendition of "I Believe in Father Christmas". Aki helped me pack everything up and lug it all to the in around 2330.

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