Saturday 24 December 2022

Friday 23rd December 2022

Woke around 0800. Hauled myself out of bed and down the stone stairs to the kitchen, where I found Jim and Kath already up...Jim made me a couple of mugs of tea to take back upstairs. Got dressed and then descended to partake of a simple breakfast...a slice of pannetoni. Contacted the AA and waited for their arrival. Barney turned up at the breakfast table, sporting a hangover. He's dating a gal from Hexham who lives in Finsbury Park, so we promised to organise their coming round for some raw fish in the New Year. The AA man turned up...he ran some diagnostic tests and declared us fit to carry on up the Great North Road, so we said our farewells and jumped in the car. The satnav guided us back toward Wakefield where we re-joined the M1...the weather was filthy, making driving conditions rather discomfiting. We headed north-west at Scotch Corner to stop off at the Farm Shop...the camels were out being fed by the locals, but we headed was packed. We bought a couple of filled baps and some yoghurt to eat in the car, then decided to take the scenic route to Darras Hall, which took us through Barnard Castle, and over the moors to Stanhope. It was a desolate but beautiful ride. It meant we didn't get to High View until 1630. Ma and pa made us some tea, and we unpacked the motor. They are both looking well...Kath showed up, and we had sherry and cheese 'n biscuits. Mum had made pasta with a ragu for dinner, and we ate risalamande for pudding. Sat around the dining table chatting and laughing for most of the remainder of the evening. Mum and Kath managed to fit in a table tennis match before bed...

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