Tuesday 27 December 2022

Tuesday 27th December 2022

Awoken around 0830 by back ache. Followed Aki downstairs for tea and cornflakes. I spruced them up with some of Margaret's muesli, sliced banana, and some leftover pear. Rather grey day. Kath had had to go out on assignment in Ponteland, and would have had to scrape the ice off of her car windscreen. After a slow start I managed to begin chasing down some CPD options...did a couple of webinars in the morning. Kath returned to the fold for lunch. We watched in horror as Margaret ventured out into the back garden to deposit some vegetable remains in the compost bin...she had to pick her way gingerly through briar and bush, and looked a little lost on her return journey...we thought she was going to veer left through the hedge at the bottom of the garden, and in to Anne's garden! Aki and I walked down to the shops in Darras Hall to pick up some milk and some bits and pieces. Walked back up Whinfell Road in the drizzle. Spoke to Bob on the blower...they have room at the inn for Thursday night, so we can break our journey there. Aki cooked a tasty fish pie for dinner, followed by dad's Xmas pud. Not much on telly again this evening...though there were some interesting strands on Countryfile, looking at Scottish New Year traditions, and lost Scots words...I particularly liked "windle", to wander aimlessly in the face of high winds! We enjoyed the 1990 Xmas special of "One Foot In the Grave"...some nice ideas in there, especially the erroneous delivery to Victor Meldrew of 243 garden gnomes, which they then had to house in the house before they could be returned to sender...nice touch when Mrs Meldrew opened the wardrobe at bedtime, to reveal yet more gnomes hiding in the shadows.

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