Monday 26 December 2022

Monday 26th December 2022

Had a bit of a lie in this morning. My nights are becoming increasingly disturbed, as I find the mattress so bad for my lower back. Hauled myself up and made tea. Breakfasted downstairs on cornflakes. Nice sunny day outside, so Aki wanted to go for a little walk somewhere. It was bitterly cold though. Drove us to Big Water for a brief look at the lake, but it was too cold to stay out for long. Bit of wind chill in the air too. Drove on to Kath's at Peary Close for lunch. Jim and Emma showed up. 

Emma still coughing a bit...otherwise, they both looked pretty healthy. They are driving down to Bristol tomorrow with Emma's daughter, who has work down there. Watched a bit of the Leicester v Newcastle game on Amazon Prime...Newcastle were 3-0 up by half-time! Mum and dad's neighbour, Bruno, was playing. Kath had to go to work, so we said our farewells and drove back to High View. Cooked dinner...a Guardian recipe for a turkey and ham pasta bake, which utilised all the leftovers...I even put some bread sauce in the stock! It didn't smell too good when I opened the oven, but it tasted OK. Dad served up the last of the Xmas pud, with ice cream, cream, and brandy butter. I flaked out on the sofa in front of the telly. Not much on though...missed The Detectorists, which we will have to catch up with on iPlayer.

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