Thursday 15 December 2022

Thursday 15th December 2022

Alarm at 0800...dozed to the News before Aki turned up with a mug of tea. Read some David Copperfield before getting up to make porridge. Worked at the computer all morning. Broke for lunch. Aki nipped out to Waitrose afterward, braving the sheet ice. I worked at the dining table on my laptop, but had to get back on the computer, as the laptop monitor screen is too small for some of the work I need to get through today. Walked over the road at 1800 for dinner at No.38. Kath and George from No.127 were also there...Ben served a vegetable lasagne, with leeks, and side salad. I swallowed mine, then had to leave them to it, missing the dessert. Packed my guitars into the car and drove off to Stoke Newington. Bit of a traffic jam on Seven Sisters Road, and took my diversionary route around the north side of Finsbury Park. Hauled my equipment into the Smith studio. Zelia was first up, so we did her two numbers, then Julia turned up, and we did "Desperado" and "Two More Bottles...", before ending with Matthew's two numbers, Monty Python's "Galaxy Song", and "I Believe in Father Christmas", which I'm still struggling with'll be alright on the night! We broke at 2145, and I left my amp and electric guitar in the Studio cupboard, hoping it'll still be there on Sunday! Got home about 2230...Aki had saved some dessert for me! I look forward to that tomorrow...

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