Sunday 4 December 2022

Sunday 4th December 2022

Woke around 0900. Aki brought me a mug of tea...felt a bit dehydrated after last night's Guinness! Got up and Aki cooked a breakfast. FaceTimed Kath, who was at ma and pa's...quizzed them over what we needed to bring up to Newcastle with us, but they seem to have it all covered. Sat and read yesterday's paper and listened to music. Watched the France v Poland game before driving down to Pentonville to listen to a concert by the Angel Orchestra, an amateur outfit including George from No.127 on flute, and Ben from No.38 on violin. The concert was conducted in St Silas's church, which was well lit and comfortably seated, but there were bits of polythene on some of the arches, which presumably leak when it rains....fortunately, the rain stayed away, though temperatures have suddenly plummeted. The programme included Elgar's Enigma Variations, and Vaughan Williams' Lark Ascending. Enjoyed it very much, though the French horn sounded a bit wobbly, and some of the violins were a little off key! Congratulated the neighbours on their endeavours, then hightailed it back home in time for the England v Senegal game, and Aki warmed up the mapo, which we ate in bowls on our laps in front of the telly. England got off to a slow start, but came good at the end of the first half, and ran out 3-0 winners....France next up!!! Kath texted to say that Reg, one of her aged clients, had died while she was with him this afternoon...his wife passed away yesterday! Sounds like a rough day for Kath!!! She repaired to ma and pa's later for a stiff drink...

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