Friday 30 December 2022

Thursday 29th December 2022

Woke around 0800 and hauled ourselves out of bed...Aki had brought the cushions from the sofa up for me to sleep on last night, and they were an improvement. Breakfasted downstairs. Packed the car and said our farewells to mum and dad. Stopped at the petrol station at the airport, but they were having a delivery, so the only fuel available was diesel, and the expensive premium petrol, so turned round and drove back to Darras Hall. Picked up a coffee and a couple of sandwiches for our journey, and headed south. Only got as far as Ripon...a nine car pile up had closed the A1(M) southbound, and we were forced off at J49. Had to make our way toward Boroughbridge via single track lanes and B roads...ended up just north of Boroughbridge on the B6265 for over an hour! Happened upon a Morrisons on the other side of Boroughbridge and used their facilities before re-joining the A1(M) at J 48 and continued on to Nottingham, getting there at 1730 rather than the 1430 we'd been aiming at!!! Horrified to be ushered into Bob and Charlotte's front room to find it heated by a wood burning stove...Dad had read us an article by George Monbiot in The Guardian only yesterday, detailing the noxious particulates that these things throw out!!! Will have to find the article and speed it on to them...they were complaining of high blood pressure readings, which had lead them both to seek medical advice! Could be a link!?! We dined in the dining room on Bob's Goan fish curry, a chicken curry, rice, and Lottie's dahl, followed by ginger and rhubarb cake with cream before retiring to sit in front of the wood burning stove and chat and drink until 0030. 

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