Friday 9 December 2022

Friday 9th December 2022

Woke at 0800. Aki got up to ready herself for the JCUK Xmas bash, but brought me a mug of tea. I languished in bed until 0900. Got up and made porridge. Waved Aki off, and sat down in front of the computer to upload yesterday's photos, and start writing up inspection sheets. Broke for a late lunch...warmed up the last of the chicken bao in the steamer, with some pak choi. Managed another couple of hours before tuning in for the second half of the Brazil v Croatia quarter-final. It was all a bit of a stalemate, and ended 1-1 after extra time...the Croats won the penalty shoot out, and Brazil are out of it! Aki got back from the party...she'd operated sound on a little sketch that one of their number had written, which went down very well by all accounts. I baked some haddock for dinner, and made mashed potatoes. We ate on our laps in front of the telly as the Netherlands v Argentina game got underway. Very tense, tetchy game, which ended with the Dutch equalising in the very last seconds of the it too went to extra time and penalties...the Argentinians held their nerve, and go through to a semi-final with Croatia! 

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