Tuesday 20 December 2022

Tuesday 20th December 2022

Woke around 0530. Couldn't get back to sleep properly, so not feeling good by the time I fell out of bed at 0830. Dressed and descended for breakfast in the restaurant area on the ground floor. The fried eggs looked like they'd been there awhile. Did a bit of work at my laptop back in my room before checking out and heading back to the multi-storey car park...£17.00 to park overnight! Lucky I ain't paying!!! Drove out to Rackheath, stopping on the way at a large Tesco Extra to fill up the tank. Rackheath turned out to be an industrial estate, the development I was seeking being in the small village of New Rackheath. Headed back toward London, stopping to take some shots of units in Welwyn, and St Albans, getting home around 1645. Aki hard at work at her computer, so I worked at the dining table on my laptop. Aki cooked dinner at 1900...pan-fried hake with Parma ham and fried rice. I made the toasted butter bread sauce for tomorrow, and a cherry sauce. Watched the MOTD highlights of the World Cup Final...extraordinary match, but I grudgingly concede that the Argies were the better team. Shower and bed...

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