Tuesday 20 December 2022

Monday 19th December 2022

Hauled myself out of bed at 0800. Porridged at the computer desk, and managed an hour's research, before warming up Aki's chicken soup to take as my packed lunch. Got away around 1000. Drove first to Potters Bar, then on to Welwyn, and Stevenage, and then struck out for Dereham. Found myself driving past Bury St Edmunds, so took a short detour to the Priory Hotel to ask the reception staff if they would consider extending the VIP voucher we bought from them during the first lockdown...it expires on 23rd March, but we've been invited to an old chum's 60th birthday bash, in Bury St Edmunds, on April 1st, so I put my case...they said they'd have to contact head office and get back to me. Had my soup in the car in the hotel car park, then carried on toward Dereham. Got to the development around 1530...the stocklist I'd been given didn't detail the street names, so I was unable to photograph the specific units on the stocklist...I only had Plot Nos. Tried to elicit more information out of the valuer, but she had the same stocklist as I did, so I took some random photos and headed for Norwich. Booked in to the Premier Inn in Duke Street. Dined at The Ivy...enjoyed the courgette fries that came with my burger. Phoned Aki from my room...she was cooking amaretti biscuits! Flaked out with the telly on...

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