Wednesday 7 December 2022

Wednesday 7th December 2022

Woke at 0230...needed the loo, but took ages to get back to sleep again afterward. Alarm at 0730. Given the lousy night's sleep, I decided not to head for Norwich, as planned. Aki feeling under the weather...a bit nauseous...she decided to stay in bed. I porridged, and warmed up some soup for my packed lunch. Bumped into Andrew from No.49 on the way to the car, who said that Kathleen had been up half the night vomiting...sounds like Aki's maybe caught the Winter Vomiting Bug!!! Eventually set off for Margaretting, stopping off in Brentwood to get some odds and ends in M&S, and pick up a coffee from Gail's in the High Street. Happened upon some very odd looking, nay, downright ugly, 80s era ex Council stock in the village of East Hanningfield. Had my lunch in the car in an ASDA car park in South Woodham Ferrers. By the time I finished up in Danbury, the light was fading fast, so I turned for home. Got home around 1745. Aki still in bed, though doesn't appear to have gotten worse. Did some work at the computer. Aki not hungry, so I warmed up the remains of the mushroom and anchovy pasta sauce I found in the fridge, which I ate with linguine, and a side salad. Listened to music and read a chapter or two of "David Copperfield". Watched the News before shower and bed...

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