Saturday 17 December 2022

Saturday 17th December 2022

Alarm at 0800. I dozed for a bit before Aki brought me tea. I read a bit of David C while Aki cooked breakfast...poached eggs on toast with gravadlax. Wrote up some final Xmas cards for posting...last day today, bearing in mind the postal strike! Had thought the last collection was at 1230, but got there at 1225 to find it had been 1155!!! Oh well...there'll be next year! We walked down the A1 to browse for gifts in Islington...popped in at the cheese shop, but nothing caught the eye, so we walked on down Upper Street to the Italian deli off Canonbury Square. Got some odds and ends in there, then had lunch at Belle Epoche round the corner...stuck with our favourites, cheesey mushroom quiche, and egg custard flan...yum! Walked on toward Islington Green, then got a No.43 bus back up the Holloway Road. Got off at Waitrose and did a minor shop, then walked home. Aki cooked a chicken risotto for dinner, and we enjoyed cheese and biscuits for afters. Spent a couple of hours making mushroom stuffed potato dumplings, which I then put in the freezer...they're the starter for our guests on Wednesday evening. Aki wrapped all the Christmas presents in readiness for our journey north on Thursday. Shower and bed...

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