Friday 2 December 2022

Friday 2nd December 2022

Woke around 0830 and dozed for a bit. Aki brought me a mug of hot lemon water. Read a chapter of "David Copperfield"  before rising for porridge. Cleared the boot of my car prior to driving up to the VW service centre in Colindale. Had booked a slot at 1200 on the basis that I was to wait around for a couple of hours, so walked back into Colindale and had a coffee at the little Costa cafe, then wandered back to the Oriental supermarket, and bought some chicken bao and pak choi. Had lunch at Bang Bang, the large Far Eastern food hall next door. tried chicken rendang with udon was a lot spicier than I'd anticipated! The service centre rang to say my rear brake pads needed replacing, so it would be another hour or so. I wandered around Morrisons, still in a bit of a sweat, looking in vain for pecan nuts that Aki needed for a recipe she planned to take round to Brett's Xmas bash tomorrow evening. Ended up finding a small pack of them in M&S for £2.65 (blimey!), then ambled back to the VW place. Car cost me £650!!! I presume the ever rising price of oil had something to do with that! Drove home listening to the climax of the Portugal v S Korea game...the Koreans came back from 1-0 down to win 2-1 and find themselves up against Brazil in the last sixteen...great stuff. Warmed up the haggis ragu lasagne for dinner. Aki still in some discomfort. The GP prescribed her some anti-biotics today, so we'll see how she gets on with those over the course of the weekend. Watched the penultimate episode of "The English", and a bit of the Graham Norton Show before retiring to bed exhausted...

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