Saturday 24 December 2022

Saturday 24th December 2022

Very weary this morning...lay in bed until around 0930. Eventually followed Aki downstairs. Croissant for breakfast with some of dad's homemade marmalade. Drove down to Waitrose to do a small final pre-Christmas shop. Kath and Margaret came with us, and went for a short walk round Pont Park before meeting us back at the Waitrose car park. Drove home and unloaded the groceries. Jim turned up to collect his presents from under the tree...they ain't joining us tomorrow, as Emma is still in bed with flu. He left three large wicker hampers behind! Mum made cheese on toast for lunch, with a bit of ham and salad. I spent most of the afternoon prepping for tomorrow's Christmas dinner. I made the buttered toast bread sauce, and cooked carrots in butter with turmeric and chillies. Also made a parsnip mash. Julie turned up to wish us a happy Christmas, and she joined us for a glass of sherry. She seems in good spirits, though busy with the B&B in Seahouses. Put dinner together...ham with mashed potato, Aki's steamed cabbage and baby courgettes, and mum's cheese and mustard sauce. We finished off the rice pudding. Watched a bit of telly in the living room. Enjoyed "Dad's Army", though Aki nodded off on the sofa, and "Whitehouse & Mortimer Gone Fishing in Norway" nodded off in his chair. "Motherland" was OK, but is now a pale imitation of it's first series. Read the Guardian's take on the years' best movies before heading for bed.

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