Thursday 8 December 2022

Thursday 8th December 2022

Woke around 0830...struggled to get out of bed, but forced myself up and out to make porridge, and put together a packed lunch. Aki feeling a bit better, and manned her post at the computer. She has a lot of work piling up all of a sudden! I headed off toward Chelmsford for a second day, stopping off in Brentwood for coffee and a quick shop in M&S. Cold but gloriously sunny day. Most of my inspections took me to small villages and hamlets to the west and north of the city. The fields were partly covered in hoare frost. Had my lunch in the car on a recent development in Great Leighs, then headed back toward Chelmsford, ending the working day in Sandon to the south-east, before turning the car for home. Glorious sunset over the London Basin as I hit the M11. Got home around 1745. Aki cooked up a Greek lemon and chicken soup with rice porridge and pak choi. I hauled my guitar into the car and drove to Stoke Newington for band rehearsal. Couldn't park outside the theatre, as the road was being tarmacced. Ran through Desperado and Two More Bottles of Wine with Julia on vox, Colin on keys, Phil on bass, and Matthew on guitar. I found myself adding some guitar to a couple of songs that Matthew is doing, namely Monty Python's The Galaxy Song, and Greg Lake's They Said There'd Be Snow At Xmas...then we repaired to The Butchers for a beer and chat about rock 'n roll. Got home at 2330. 

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