Sunday 11 December 2022

Sunday 11th December 2022

Woke around 0900. Dozed for another half hour or so. Aki still not 100%. Got up and cooked a breakfast. Drove round to Waitrose to do a bit of a shop. Below freezing outside! Bit of fog about too. Got back in one piece. Sat about reading The Observer while Aki worked on her Xmas card design...I cooked a roast chicken for dinner, with roast potatoes (over cooked), parsnips (burnt), carrot and caramelised onion puree (over salted), and a bread sauce (overly soggy)...doesn't auger well for Christmas dinner duty later in the month!!! Astonished to look out of the front window at about 2030 to see 6 inches of snow covering Sussex Way...had planned a road trip to Norwich tomorrow, overnighting at the Premier Inn on Duke Street...looks like I'm going to have to cancel and move it to later in the week! Matthew emailed me with three additional songs for rehearsal this's turning into a marathon. Had a listen to them all, though, and pieced them together on the guitar. 

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