Tuesday 13 December 2022

Tuesday 13th December 2022

Alarm at 0800. I dozed for a bit...Aki brought me a mug of tea, and I read another chapter of "David Copperfield" before rising to make porridge. Sussex Way still snowbound...doesn't look as if a gritter has passed this way...the binmen didn't show up, probably wisely! I worked at the computer until lunchtime, Aki sitting at her laptop on the dining table. I cooked lunch, avocado toast with poached egg on top. I spent half the afternoon trying to work out how to play "I Believe in Father Christmas"...realised my plucking technique had been wrong...couldn't get my brain to accept the kosher version...it'll be a struggle, that one! Andy Garratt rang with more work, so I had to get back on the laptop and set things up and print stocklists off. Aki baked trout, which she served up with cous cous and vegetables. Carrot cake and creme fraiche for dessert. Watched a couple of cookery programmes...enjoyed Jamie Oliver's Easy Xmas recipes, but still looked like an awful lot of work! Aki feeling sleepy, so she sidled off to bed...I did some more guitar practice. Enjoying myself, but I fear it's too much given the fact that we are on on Sunday! 

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