Tuesday 6 December 2022

Tuesday 6th December 2022

Woke at 0830. Got up and made porridge, and heated up the remains of the mapo to take for my lunch. Aki left for rehearsals in Kensington, and I set off for Bushey via the M1. Stopped at Sainsburys in St Albans to pick up some items, and fill the car with petrol, before heading north to Wheathampstead...stopped on the way at a car park serving a pleasant little woodland spot and ate my lunch. Nice sunny day. Drove on to Luton, then ended the working day in Maulden, a little village just south of Bedford, on a new build development. Drove home via the M1. Got home before Aki, and tuned in to the end of the Morocco v Spain game...Spain went out on penalties. Aki got back, and I warmed up the haggis and lentil lasagne for dinner. Aki didn't have much appetite...she ate too much at lunch time! Watched Portugal demolish a lacklustre Switzerland, then early shower and bed...

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