Saturday 31 December 2022

Saturday 31st December 2022

Woke around 0845. Knackered! Aki got up and made tea. She wanted to get going with the laundry backlog…I prepared breakfast. Aki drove off to the fishmonger's on Essex Road (she would normally have cycled, but it was raining) while I undertook another hour or so of work on my RICS CPD requirement. Aki got back around 1400, and began working up several recipes for her traditional Japanese New Year's feast. I made some toast for lunch, with some mezze tomato paste smeared over it, and some grated comte cheese...not bad, though the Turks would have crumbled feta over it. Did another couple of hours at the computer, and racked up the requisite 10 hours...just need to log it all on the RICS website now! Aki made fish noodle soup for dinner, with salmon sashimi with grated daicon on the side, and we had cheese and biscuits for afters. Watched the Detectorists Xmas Special on iPlayer...not as good as I'd been lead to believe, but entertaining enough...some heavy handed writing, but it's heart always in the right place. The dripping kitchen tap was getting worse and driving us mad, so I replaced the valve with the one that had arrived last month, and miraculously it did the trick. No such luck with the dishwasher, which has packed in altogether! Saw the New Year in watching me old flat mate's daughter Levi strutting her stuff on Jools' Hootenanny...she was having a ball...

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