Friday 16 December 2022

Friday 16th December 2022

Alarm at 0800....Aki roused me with a mug of tea. Got up and porridged and did an hour or so at the computer, and warmed up some tinned chicken soup to take for lunch. Headed out in the motor toward Hackney and Bethnal Green. Found myself driving back toward Holloway around lunchtime, so stopped and had my packed lunch with Aki at the dining table! Drove on to Willesden, but traffic was very slow. Didn't manage to make it on to Pinner as planned before dusk, so turned for home. Cooked dinner. Belly pork with sauteed potatoes, which I tried pre-cooking in the microwave before frying off. Worked OK, though the potatoes stuck together a bit once microwaved, and had to be delicately prised apart before jumping into the frying pan. Had the mishti doi pudding Gayu had made for last night's dinner party, which I had had to forego, as I rushed off to band rehearsal after the first course. It was delicious...she's passed Aki the recipe, so will have to try it out on ma and pa next week! Did another hour's work at the computer, before we watched the final episode of "The English"...the actor playing our red Indian hero was magnificent...a centre of calm and stillness around which the more manic actors hovered. Shower and bed...

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