Saturday 10 December 2022

Saturday 10th December 2022

Woke at around 1000...Aki got up and made tea...I read a bit of David Copperfield. Got up and made a late brunch. Aki just had poached egg on toast, while I made potato cakes with beaten egg and spring onion. Aki still not yet 100%...she dozed off on the sofa. We watched the Moroccans beat Portugal 1-0 to go through to the semi-final. Had a bite to eat, then walked over the road to watch the England v France game at Ben and Gayu's at No.38, in the company of Carlos and Jane from No.36. Ben had set up a screen and projector. France started the better, and were soon 1-0 up, but we were awarded a penalty, and Harry Kane smashed it past his Tottenham team mate to draw us level. We were much better second half, and were unlucky to go behind to a Giroud header...when we were were another penalty with 10 minutes to go, it looked certain we'd be in for extra time...but Harry blazed over, and that was that! Very disappointing. Carlos and I walked up to the North Nineteen to hear Rollo and Lewis play some blues...Ben and Gayu followed us up there...the boys were on good form, and it was nice to see Tony the pub landlord, who's always very welcoming. Walked back home at 2330 along pavements sparkling with a heavy frost! 

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