Monday 12 December 2022

Monday 12th December 2022

Woke to alarm at 0800. Aki opened the bedroom blind to reveal a covering of 6 inches of snow in the back yard. I got up and porridged, before cancelling my Premier Inn booking for tonight in Norwich. Worked at the computer up until lunch time. Aki ventured outside to buy stamps...she came back saying conditions were hazardous for the pedestrian! Lunch was busked...Aki wanted hot noodle soup, but I needed to eat up some salad items that had overtaken their use by dates, so had tortilla with some ham and potato salad. Worked for most of the afternoon. early dinner...Aki made me some noodle soup, with chicken and egg, and we FaceTimed ma and pa...they had Uncle Peter, and Matt, making a flying visit, so had a wee chat with Matt about J having taken on the mantle of the Beast of Bolsover. They had to ring off, as mum had put their dinner on the table. I drove off to Stoke Newington for band rehearsal. Not much traffic about, but the main roads were pretty much clear of snow...Sussex Way is a bit of an ice rink, though. We rehearsed in RR3, the cold basement room...we couldn't seem to get the air conditioner to fire up, so we kept our coats on. Colin turned up, so we had an MD on the joanna. We worked through a couple of numbers with Zelia....Seal's "Kiss from a Rose", and "She Used to be Mine", from the musical, "Waitress"...they went well. Then in the absence of Emily, we worked through the chords for Fleetwood Mac's "You Make Loving Fun", and "Santa Baby", made infamous by Ertha Kitt. Emily didn't show, so we disbanded at 2200, and I drove home. 

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